Over the past 50 years we gained detailled expertise in planning the subway in Vienna, Austria. We cover all steps within the planning process, from the first concept to authority approvals further to main and detailed design including tenders. Our team provides experts in the fields of routing, track alignment, track equipment planning, construction phase planning and further more.
In the field of railway design we provide long-term experience. Our reference projects cover a wide range: railway lines, railway stations – new construction, modernization, extension and renovation. We guide you through the whole planning process – from feasibility studies via authority approval and environmental impact assessment till main and detailed design including tenders. Our team consits of experts in routing, track alignment, track equipment, railway system, construction phases and many more.
From the first idea until realization – we put your concepts in urban rail-bound transport on paper. Our engineering experience covers the design of tramway lines as well as depots and maintenance facilities, new built infrastructure as well as extensions and renewal projects.
Light rail transit represents the missing link between urban mass transit and regional rail transport. Due to our wide-range knowledge in rail-bound traffic design we provide solutions and new approaches for your challenges in passenger transport.
During the last centuries our office implemented road projects over all scales: paths, country roads, city roads, highways and motorways. Our team provides expertise in all aspects of road design, including subtopics like drainage lines, noise protection and construction phases.
Submission, tender, detailed design of bridge construction (reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, steel and composite, integral abutment bridges)
Planning of structural framework of low-rise, high-rise and industrial construction for new constructions, modifications, oder reconstruction during normal operations.
Structural design of steel constructions for high-rises, industrial constructions and bridges. Detail planning, developement and workshop planning.
Inspection of main infrastructure construtions like bridges, tunnels, maintenance halls, railway stations and depots developing professional reports and expertises for the evaluation of the facilities
Verifying and control of the compliance the static and structural standards in the approved plans during the execution
Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau und Verkehrsplanung: Seit über 50 Jahren kompetenter Partner für Ingenieurleistungen